Death has been the judgment for sin since the Garden of Eden, so there was not option at this point but that the Son had to die for our sins. This death did not yet make the Son the Supreme Ruler over sin, Jesus could only take this title in life. By His resurrection 3 days later, the One who knew no sin, who took on the sins of all mankind and became sin for us, was victorious over death, Hell and the grave, giving Him the right and authority to offer His righteousness to those who knew no righteousness. For without this righteousness, man has no victory over Hell.
This is what Easter is all about. God the Son had to be treated as we deserve, so God the Father could offer us the eternal gift of being treated as the Son deserves. WOW! Jesus conquered sin for us and became the Supreme Ruler over sin that we could become righteous through Him. By this righteousness, we have the right to enter into His Heavenly Kingdom, which will happen for all who believe either through the portal of death or through the next great prophetic event, the Rapture.