God ordained government for the good of man and “the punishment of evildoers” (I Peter 2:14; Romans 13). However, no government has authority from God to pass laws that violate His Law. As sin has corrupted what God has ordained, human government has failed throughout history to fulfill its ordained obligations, which in turn makes lawbreakers out of good Christians and good citizens.
A few examples in the Bible of governments’ passing evil laws:
- Pharaoh ordered the death of male babies (Exodus 1)
- Ahasuerus ordered the death of all Jews (Esther 3)
- Nebuchadnezzar ordered everyone to bow to him (Daniel 3)
- Sanhedrin ordered Apostles not to preach Jesus (Acts 4-5)
Daniel was a model citizen, loyal servant and friend to King Darius (Daniel 6). He had enemies who hated him and devised how to remove him from office. They forced him into breaking a law that was punishable by death ─ for 30 days it was illegal to petition any God but the King. King Darius’ pride got in the way when he had passed the law. Yet, Daniel didn’t hesitate to honor his God as he “prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did aforetime.” Daniel’s enemies quickly reported him to the unwary King. The last thing the King wanted to do was punish his friend Daniel, but he couldn’t deliver him from the consequences of his own evil law. The King had no choice but to send Daniel to the lion’s den. Because Daniel was faithful to God’s Law rather than an evil law, God delivered him from death.
Today, evil laws are passed that make good citizens into lawbreakers. Laws that endorse immoral lifestyles and hinder freedom of religion. Ungodly laws like these turn good Christians into lawbreakers simply for expressing our beliefs in God’s Law while exposing evil in the laws of our government. It is not wrong to disagree with the direction our leaders have taken God’s purpose of government, yet good Christians are turned into common criminals simply for standing on the Bible.
What’s our answer? The same as Daniel’s. We’re to bring our government “unto the knowledge of the truth” by “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” By these, regardless of who is in power, that we “may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (I Timothy 2:1-4).