Patriot = “A person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests; devoted to the welfare of one’s country” (Webster’s 1828)
Last week we read Romans 9:17-22, this week read 9:1-5
Paul was called to preach against spiritual and moral decay, to pursue a national prophesied transformation only God could produce. In Romans 9, Paul’s eyes were set as both a preacher and a Patriot — his heart and soul loves his country and is devoted to the welfare of his countrymen. Though called the Apostle to the Gentiles, He never gave up on his own people. He held his country in high regard because he was not only a citizen of Heaven, but of a blessed and chosen nation on Earth. In 9:4-5, Israel had all they needed to turn back to God: the adoption (of sons), the glory (Shekinah), the covenants (God’s vows), the law (God’s Word), the service of God (the Temple), the promises (promised Messiah), the fathers (patriarchs), and the flesh Christ (their Messiah).
America is afforded what Paul saw in his country. At salvation we received the adoption of sons (Galatians 4:3-7), by the Glory of God (2 Thessalonians 2:14), according to His New Covenant of His blood (Hebrews 8:8-13), by His Word (Romans 10:17), serviced by His Church (1 Corinthians 1:23-24), with His promised coming again (John 14:1-3), fortified by teachings of patriarchs of God (2 Timothy 1:13; 2:2), giving us the privilege to strive in our flesh to be in His image (Romans 8:29; 13:14).
When we balance these against what we see today, our challenged is to be a preacher and a Patriot. Without both, we can fall prey to the FAIR-WEATHER touts that our nation has gone too far beyond spiritual repair. This is where Paul was challenged in his spirit and his flesh.
When the chips are down in America, these are the ones looking beyond our spiritual and moral devastation. They see beyond a seemingly impossible spiritual transformation, realizing we are still a blessed nation under God, having all we that need to be able to turn back to God.
If we zealously love, support and defend America, we will go to the polls in November as a Patriot. For, FAIR-WEATHER CITIZENS may be too perplexed to get out to vote.