The Battle Rages On For Our Society

Sunday is Father’s Day in New Zealand

God’s plan for a godly society begins within the first institution He ordained, the family. Satan knows this well, and therefore the family has been the focus of his attack since the Garden of Eden. Over many millennia, his attacks have eroded this institution and successfully removed the male authority figure from the 21st Century home. This has warped society ethically, spiritually and morally, creating a generation without shame or blush, in the midst of the most abominable sins recorded in scripture. The prophesy of this erosion is being fulfilled today. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

As this battle rages on, God’s biblical plan has never changed. He has imparted to the family, not society nor the church, the great responsibility of training successive generations of God fearing children. When this humbling responsibility is taken serious and scripturally adhered to, the affects of God’s plan radiates from within the family out into the church and out to society.

God’s Plan for a Godly Society:

  • Father’s are responsible to rear their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
    (Ephesians 6:4)
  • Resulting in “obedient children” who are “holy in all manner of conversation
    (Ephesians 6:1-2; 1 Peter 1:14-15)
  • Resulting in men and women “able to teach others also
    (2 Timothy 2:2)
  • Resulting in employers that are “just and equal
    (Colossians 4:2)
  • Resulting in godly employees that “obey in all things … not with eyeservice, as menpleasers
    (Colossians 3:22)
  • Resulting in “faithful children not accused of riot or unruly
    (Titus 1:6)

God’s Plan for the Revival of a Godly Society:

As Satan turns up the heat of attack on Christian homes, let’s not forget that God never called us to change society, nor to clean up the world’s sins, nor to bring in His Kingdom. If we are going to see revival in our society, it starts with a godly Christian home, where fathers are on their knees, heeding 2 Chronicles 7:14!!!
Lewis Howell

Lewis Howell

I am an Independent, Fundamental Baptist, missionary, pastor, soul winner, fisher of men, conservative, old fashioned, non Charismatic, Textus Receptus, King James, dispensational, pre millennial, pre tribulation, servant of Almighty God, called to serve Him as my Savior in New Zealand.

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