Soul-Conscious Soulwinning

Our mission in soulwinning is to go out to find souls that are heading to hell, then do something about it. As we go out, every aspect of soulwinning is needed: Bible, prayer, Holy Spirit. Yet, you can have all of these and still miss the one most important key — SOUL-CONSCIOUS.

SOUL-CONSCIOUS is the honest, heart’s desire to take every aspect of what you are discipled in and put into practice in the real world. It is when you “lift up your eyes, and look on the fields” and see “they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). It is being aware that every person you meet has a soul that will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. It is to automatically think of the cashier, waitress, hair stylist or gas station attendant as a prospect for soulwinning. It’s to “have compassion, making a difference pulling them out of the fire” (Jude 1:22-23).

SOUL-CONSCIOUS is having a pocket full of tracts, constantly on the lookout for unsaved souls, that it might be said of us as it was the Apostles that we have “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6)? The fields of this world are ripe with souls dying in sin, “multitudes in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14), waiting for a SOUL-SONSCIOUS Christian to bring the Savior to rescue them.

Lewis Howell

Lewis Howell

I am an Independent, Fundamental Baptist, missionary, pastor, soul winner, fisher of men, conservative, old fashioned, non Charismatic, Textus Receptus, King James, dispensational, pre millennial, pre tribulation, servant of Almighty God, called to serve Him as my Savior in New Zealand.

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