A quick explanation of “preferences” based on my pastor’s teaching — a preference is our liberty as long as it does not violate a principle or precept. Principles are based on scripture upon scripture, by studying out the whole counsel of God. Precepts are clear-cut “thou shalt” and “thou shalt not.”
The importance of godly preferences is because our preferences protect our principles, and our principles protect our precepts. Poor preferences could shade scripture that defines God’s principles which could lead to violating God’s precepts.
Now, just because one person chose stricter preferences does not make them a legalist nor the other party a liberal. For example: a person may prefer never to eat in a restaurant that serves alcohol. That preference is protecting a principle of theirs based on scripture that we are not to drink alcohol, and this person may have been saved out of being an alcoholic. Yet there is no violation of scripture to eat in a restaurant that serves alcohol. This is me when it comes to Halloween. I served the god of this world for too many years, he had such a strangle hold on me that his annual Halloween event absolutely turns my stomach upside down. Praise God, though, if/when Christ’s name is magnified in someone else’s Halloween replacement event (Mark 9:39-40).
My answer is to mind your conscience based on your study of God’s principles and precepts found in His Word.