“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:5)
Ponder two spiritual thoughts about light:
It doesn’t take much light to guide us, but we must let some light into our eyes to see where we are going. I could have walked out of the cavern with a candle, but my feet probably would have stumbled over some rocks. When the tour guide flipped the switch and all the electrical lights sequentially came on down the corridor, I walked out much safer to the grassy fields outside the cavern’s entrance.
Spiritually, if we are to walk safely anywhere in life, we must let the light of God’s Word into our lives so we don’t stumble (Psalm 119:105). The more light we let in, the better for our safety.
When it rains for a week and I walk outside, I usually have to shield my eyes. Squinting, my eyes tighten at the corners until they adjust to the sun’s brightness.
Spiritually, if we walk in darkness too long, away from church and away from our daily Bible reading, our bodies squint when God’s Word pricks our hearts (1 John 1:6-10). Too much darkness in our lives causes our bodies to tighten up at preaching. Thoughts cross our minds such as, “I don’t like what the Preacher said, or I don’t like that Bible verse.”
In this New Year, daily bask in heaps of God’s light to navigate safely through 2025.