Is Jesus Coming Soon?

Since there is no sign to look for, we can only speculate from what we have in scripture. Speculation, however, is dangerous and appeals to itching ears and not the soul.

We are told in the Bible that society will grow worse and worse by the coming of Christ. However, is society worse today then when those words were penned 2,000 years ago?

Here are just a few considerations:
  • #1) When Paul said Jesus is coming soon, he was in prison living in the days of Nero who persecuted and killed Christians.
  • #2) When John said the same as Paul and told us society would grow worse, he was soon in route to being thrown into a pot of boiling oil for his Christian faith.
  • #3) Centuries later we had the inquisition, Christians burnt alive, the Dark Ages, men like Calvin and Luther murdering Christians who refused to align with them, and how about closer to our day with God’s people during the holocaust?
Fact is, comparatively, we have it good in our day of freedom of religion, and as immorally corrupt as our society has become it’s not immorally close to when God’s Word was penned.
Scripturally and logically, the claim that Jesus is coming soon based on the morality of our society is looking for a sign. There is no sign of the Rapture.

The Dispensational and PreTribulational fact is, the church will not live through the Days of Noah nor the Days of Lot, because these are Tribulation days that will not be in the Church Age.

Let me illustrate

I thought yesterday about the stock market as an illustration. A guaranteed stock will be seen growing on a graph over days and years. On its way to a climax, while the graph reveals visible of ups and downs, the future day of a climax is unknown. While the median of the ups and downs are greater then previous years, you cannot tell exactly when to buy or sell because of the constant waxing and waning. However, because it is guaranteed to increase, if you wait long enough you will earn more in your buy regardless of the ups or downs of previous years.

The same for our world. It has been climaxing since the garden. When Christ comes it will definitely be morally and spiritually worse then some previous generation. However, like buying and selling in the stock market, it is a gamble and impossibility to pick the ultimate climax, or even the season because guaranteed stock will dive for a period before regaining strength. That is, unless you have insider trader information, which Jesus has with the Father who is the One that will give that final “buy” call.

When we say Jesus is coming soon just because immorality is climaxing, we play the fool because it has been climaxing for over 2,000 years and it will do the same until He eventually raptures us away. However, if He does not come soon as many IB are predicting, all who have been flying that banner high simply because of the immoral direction of this world are damaging their credibility. This damage is to a point that those unsaved closest to them will have little reason to believe their truthful words of salvation. Like traders in the stock market, they are gambling with someone else’s money.

As I thought about how date pickers are discredited year after year, I thought “season pickers” are just as discredited … they may just feel better because they are not picking a date.

I then thought about the SDA and JW’s who originated out of a date picking Baptist preacher, William Miller. YIKES! Look where each are today, 2 centuries later, even though that Baptist preacher recanted of his date picking.

Lewis Howell

Lewis Howell

I am an Independent, Fundamental Baptist, missionary, pastor, soul winner, fisher of men, conservative, old fashioned, non Charismatic, Textus Receptus, King James, dispensational, pre millennial, pre tribulation, servant of Almighty God, called to serve Him as my Savior in New Zealand.

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