With that said …
Witnessing to a young man yesterday, I asked him how he knew God. He said that when relative prayed over his leg that he believed in God because it was healed. I asked, “So you know you will go to Heaven because God healed your leg?” He said, “Yes.”
After witnessing to him a length, he realized that his sin was sending him to hell. He eventually asked me the same question the Philippian Jailer asked the Apostle Paul. He asked me, “How do I receive the blood of Christ.” My soul jumped for joy, he was broken into repentance and trusted Christ as Savior.
Here is what turned him from trusting his healed leg. After I praised God for healing his leg, I asked him a simple question, “Where is your leg going one day, 100 years from now?” He tossed the question a bit before telling me it was going to die. I said, “Exactly!”
Then I told him, “Your leg was not healed, it was only a temporary overcomer. Your leg is just as dead now as it was before it was healed. Your body cannot enter into Heaven, that is why it will die and be buried. When it is buried, it will never rise again. If you are trusting your leg to get you to Heaven, then you are hopelessly lost because it will never take you to Heaven because it will never leave the grave. We just celebrated Easter and the only Body that has risen again. Wouldn’t you rather trust a body that is already in Heaven today and not your healing of a body part that will never get there?” He said I had a great point that he never thought about. I then took him from the Garden in Genesis where sin’s curse sends his healed leg to the grave. Then through to Romans 5:12, then the second death, and onto the only Person to trust for Eternal Life, and His blood that is still alive and spiritually healing today.