WITH THAT THOUGHT, when the Mark of the Beast comes onto the scene there will have been weeks and months and years of far more devastation then what North Carolina just experienced. The world’s infrastructure will be leveled in 3 1/2 years’ time, God raining fire from Heaven will have annihilated satellite systems like Starlink, even in a single act of judgment a third of the world’s shipping lanes will be destroyed. Read Revelation and you will see so much more then these few events.
WITH THAT THOUGHT, how can it be logically and scripturally preached that the Mark of the Beast is an implanted electronic computer chip or a barcode that needs electronics to scan it? Without a doubt, worldwide electronic control will hardly exist.
WITH THAT THOUGHT, can I say that God in our KJV means exactly what He said. The Mark of the Beast is just that … A MARK …