Obedience is a command of God, and a character trait we do our utmost to instill in our children while…
Month: July 2020

Ponder This: Was Judas Saved?
I wholeheartedly trust the teachings from our Independent and Fundamental Baptist (IFB) brothers and forefathers, knowing most have been thoroughly…

Overtaken in a Fault
The Apostle Paul teaches us through the Galatians exactl what our response is to be if a brother in Christ…

Is God In Control of Covid-19?
What do we usually think of when we hear the word “outbreak?” Definitely nothing too good! We might think of…

Put Them In Mind
How often does does your pastor’s message sound repetitive? Or, how many times has he made the same point? Or,…

A Hearty “AMEN!”
My family on my father’s side is from Boone, North Carolina and my mother’s side is from Clay, West Virginia,…

Slavery and the Christian
This little devotional article is not intended as a dissertation on slavery, too much would have to be written to…

Salvation’s Testimony
When we are out witnessing, the world is watching. When we lead someone to the Lord, the world knew who…

Jesus is our Propitiation
PROPITIATION is a big word used in the Bible, with a simple meaning. Many incorrectly translate this word as “sacrifice.”…

Freedom of Religion
We live in a day in the United States of America where FREEDOM OF RELIGION seems too often just narrowly…